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Tempest is an immersive audiovisual installation created jointly by the artists Jp Accacio, DUO b, Matheus Leston and Victor Leguy.


The work derives from a creative process of ten months in which the artists met weekly with the purpose of conceiving a work that had as a starting point the concept of storm, referenced initially by the works of the painter William Turner and the writer William Shakespeare.


The result of the meetings, conversations and tests carried out in this period is an audiovisual installation composed of a thirty minutes film projected out of sync by three projectors located in different points of the installation space.


The images that make up the film began to be captured during the tests, firstly by cell phone and at the last moment by HD digital camera. The film of a film idea was greatly explored in this process as the video projected on the current test had been captured on the previous week, and it would be captured again to become the material to be projected on the following week. Thus a modus operandi was established where the final content is also procedural, whereas each capture a new layer was added to the material.


Along with the film projection, that when exhibited undergoes visual programming interference which modifies it, the artists created an environment that includes the distribution and placement of flexible mirrors, fabrics, acrylic plates drawn by hand and speakers that transmit the sound ambiences and soundtracks composed for the job.


Tempest was awarded first place in the PROAC of Integrated Arts of the State of Sao Paulo in 2016 and has already been exhibited at Casa das Caldeiras (Sao Paulo) and at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos).



:: Tempest, 2016 - immersive audiovisual installation formed by projected images with digital interferences and programming, fabrics, flexible mirrors, acrilic plates drawned by hand, sound ambiences and soundtracks.


Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Casa das Caldeiras (SP)


Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)

Tempest | 2016

Tempest | 2016

View of the installation assembled at Oficina Cultural Pagú (Santos)


[by Ananda Carvalho, curator and art critic invited to follow up the project ] 

The Tempest began recalling William Turner's paintings and Shakeaspeare's texts. However, gradually, it was set that the project's mainframe consists of the connections of the procedure practices of the five participant artists: DUO b (Marcelo Bressanin and Pedro Ricco), Jp Accacio, Matheus Leston and Victor Leguy.


Within the clouds' condensation ideas unpredictability, over 10 months, I followed the collaboration/artistic residency meetings of these artists at DA HAUS. There, intense dialogues took place, experiences crossed concepts, and gradually, we formed what we could call "final installation", in quotation marks, considering the creation process ongoing movement.


During the experiments - projections of images, reflections on mirrors and acrylic boards, audio compositions, light movements and their drawings - the different visions of each artist and their possibilities of interaction emerged. When documenting these actions, there were some images that were only visualized by the eye-photographic-apparatus. In addition, what one could realize, it was not necessarily what the other observed or listened to. Among the different perceptions of the work, several questions were elaborated on how the images and the sounds were constituted before the Tempest.


Then the artists started to project the images of their own previous recordings, considering the procedural bias that spread before this experience. These images were captured again in high resolution and later reread and programmed via software. Other record-drawings were made. Soundtracks were composed, following the same methodology of composition and decomposition.


Finally, the audiovisual landscapes took over the exhibition space, filling it with overlaps of an organic narrative. Among the figurative images of the documentACTION, graphics and abstract images, it is possible to notice everything is in displacement. It can be said that the perception moments of experience are ephemeral: when someone asks you to look, it is no longer there.

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